Wednesday, December 8, 2021

What Makes A Man Different From A Boy?

  •   A boy gives false promises but a man honours his commitments.
  •  A boy thinks "ME" but a man thinks "US". 
  •  A boy blames others but a man accepts responsibility.

  • A man will not yet a good woman walk away but a boy full of pride will lose his treasured possession because of his ego.
  • A man looks for a woman with intelligence, who is supportive, grounded with values. A boy cares mostly only for girls who are attractive and exciting.
  • Even after being afraid of rejection a man will put himself out there anyway. Whereas a boy never holds the courage to face rejection hence act passively.
  • A man expresses his true feelings and shows his emotions, a boy hides his emotions, a Boy hides his fellings and tries to be "tough"
  • A man has a vision and sets goals, a Boy can't see past tomorrow.

Why do Indian Players Don't Play Other Country's Leagues Just Like IPL?

 BCCI's rules do not permit an Indian Player contracted or non-contracted, to  play any sort of franchise cricket - T20 leagues, T10 leagues or any competition of that format outside the country.

Their real intention is to safeguard the craze/importance of IPL and hence revenue generated from it. BCCI thinks if the Indian audience gets to see their cricketers play in other tournaments the interest in the IPL decrease.

How to earn self respect?

 Don't insult yourself.

Avoid saying things like "I'm so dumb", ""I am worthless","I am useless", etc. Even if its true right now, don't say it.In fact try things which challenges you.

Don't Underestimate Yourself.

Always try first, then conclude. Don't think how incapable you are of doing something until you have real measures of your abilities. "I can't do this" is an excuse "I have never done this before" is a reason.

Be Honest.

If something or someone is hurting you, just be honest whether it worth it or not.You already have lots of things to go through.

Value Your Thinking.

Build your principles of life, understand what's right and what's wrong. and stick with it. But also be ready to put them to the test and prove them wrong if necessary, cause that's what life means, keeps improving.

Forgive Yourself.

We ask or give forgiveness to others, but what about our self, we too do many mistakes, we do have guilts. Learn to forgive yourself and never again try to repeat those mistakes.

Don't Tolerate Disrespect.

Just as we said in the start, don't use insulting words for yourself, similarly, don't let anyone too. Reply them back with either your words or your actions .

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

What is the meaning of A/F written on new buy car?

 when we buy new car their is A/F written on the car's number plate.

|The full form of A/F = Application Of Form.

It means that for number plate the form is already apply.

What do cricketers put on their cheeks while playing?

The cream is like "Sunscreen".

But' it includes some mixtures of "Zinc Oxide".

Which will protect them from Sun rays.
This causes most cricket players to use zinc oxide cream.

Why two types of tiles used in railway platforms?

 Two types of tiles used in railway platforms as shown in picture.

Specially,This type of tiles used for Blind person. 

Touching this tiles using sticks they can feel that both vertically lined tiles and doted tiles.

vertically lined tiles indicates them "You can GO" and

doted tiles indicates them "You should STOP"

Why purple colour is not used in flag of any country?

 Few years ago, there was only one way to make purple colour and that was using tiny sea sails. and tiny sea sails was found in only one place named as "Lebanon". And that time it costs 1000 tiny sea sails for 1 gram purple colour and that was not affordable for any country.

So,That's why purple colour is not in any countries flag.

Weekly GYM workout schedule for Beginners.

 You are going for whole body exersice make sure you are good at most important   exersices  like Push ups, Pull ups, Squats etc. Then you can apply this schedule   in your workout.

  • MONDAY- Chest.
  • TUESDAY- Back.
  • WEDNESDAY- Shoulder.
  • THURSDAY- Biceps,Triceps.
  • FRIDAY- Abs.
  • SATURDAY- Legs.
  • SUNDAY- Rest.

What we have to do on the first day of the GYM?


 Get a little warm up in. If this truly is your first time in the gym and working out, you   can’t just start banging out bench presses and 2-3 set of push ups, pull ups, squats  just to get the blood pumping.

Its your first day so, you can't do better performance because your muscles have not much strengh.



  • Get a hand stance straight as your shoulders.
  • Breath in while going down.
  • Breath out when its time up.
  • Do 3-4 Reps of this Exersice .
  • Continue this for 3 Sets (of 3-4 Reps).

  • While performing squats exersice, shoulder width foot stance is required.
  • Breath IN and goes down, make sure your thighs should be parallel to the floor.
  • Balance yourself, Otherwise get a grip if you are struggling to balance.
  • Breath OUT while up.
  • This exersice make your quads strong. and help as a warm up exersice.

What Makes A Man Different From A Boy?

   A boy gives false promises but a man honours his commitments.  A boy thinks "ME" but a man thinks "US".   A boy blame...